Eax Movie Catalog
Size: 5.6 MB
Downloads: 5977
Platform: Windows (All Versions)
If you have a large collection of movies and you want a free tool to help you manage said collection, I invite you to go get Eax Movie Catalog. You can use it to automatically download movie info from the web, easily organize your movies, keep track of loaned movies, and more.
You will not have to go through an installation process to get started with Eax Movie Catalog. What you will have to do is download a 21.3Mb RAR file, extract the contents of the archive, and run the Eaxmc executable.
The application’s interface is divided into two panels. The one to the left presents a list of all the movies in your collection; you can switch between list view and covers view. Select a movie from the list and details about it will be presented in the panel to the right.
Eax Movie Catalog will display a splash screen when it starts. From the Options menu you can pick a custom image to be used as the splash screen. I went with a small image of FindMySoft’s logo. You can choose any image you want. You can further customize your visual experience by picking a theme for the icon set and toolbar, setting a size for the icons, and by downloading a template.
All the info on your collection of movies is saved by Eax Movie Catalog in a database. You can create a new database, delete an existing database, import and export data from the database, and password protect access to the database. Data can be added manually or automatically to the database. Or to put it in other words, you can manually input information about movies, TV shows, actors, and so on. Or you can search the web and have the application automatically download such data and store it in your database.
Loaning movies to people who forget to give them back is quite annoying. Eax Movie Catalog addresses this annoyance with a handy Loan Manager.
Eax Movie Catalog is freeware.
Efficiently manage a collection of movies with the free Eax Movie Catalog.
Eax Movie Catalog does not have to be installed. You will quickly figure out the interface. You can use a custom splash screen; you can customize the interface. Manually or automatically add data to the database. Password protect the database. Keep track of loans, find subtitles online, randomly select a movie. Eax Movie Catalog is freeware.
Takes a bit too long to download data from the web.
Eax Movie Catalog
Eax Movie Catalog Awards

Eax Movie Catalog Editor’s Review Rating
Eax Movie Catalog has been reviewed by George Norman on 29 Oct 2013. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated Eax Movie Catalog 4 out of 5 stars, naming it Excellent